showing 11 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Descent ?? labelimageminimize
Heretic  ?? labelimageminimize
Hexen  ?? labelimageminimize
Catch 23 Martech1987
[47]***Uses mixed raster/vector display? The screenshot seems to indicate buildings(?) are vector while characters are raster (sprites).
Midi Maze  Hybrid Arts (Xanth Software F-X)1987Midi-Maze is a 1-16 player, 3D first-person-shooter published in 1987. Midi-Maze is a 1-16, player [b]3D first-person-shooter[/b] published in [b][i]1987[/i][/b]. Just wanted to be clear on that point. Players are treated to fully 3D walls in a large maze where they hunt each other in full color at an impossibly smooth frame rate. Its name comes from the use of the MIDI interface to establish a network between as many as 16 Atari STs. STs each have a MIDI IN and MIDI OUT port. A complete ring needed to be formed so that every machine was connected to 2 others, otherwise communications were too slow for more than 4 players. All players are represented by spherical smiley faces that spit balls at each other, [i]deadly balls[/i]. A tagline for the game was "[s]Put on[/s][b][color=FF0000]KILL[/color][/b] a happy face" and is meant to evoke humor rather than violence. Unlike the endless string of bloodstorms that would follow, the game's theme was widely considered safe for all ages. It wasn't even censored when Xanth Software created versions for Nintendo's platforms; where it was known as Faceball.

520 ST or later, 512 KB RAM, disk drive, digital Joystick, keyboard, or mouse, MIDI cables required for multiplayer, optional Hard Drive Install. Comes on a single-sided 5.25" disk

But 1987's may not really the the world's first multiplayer [game=#168991]3D first-person-shooter[/url]

Should be "Xanth Software F/X" not "Xanth Software F" / "X"
Corporation Core Design (Dementia)1990
[52]***Your role as a ZODIAC agent is to infiltrate the sixteen-floor headquarters of the CORPORATION and locate and obtain an embryo from the building's foetal laboratory. Arm yourself with special tools and equipment including infra-red and thermal cameras, electronic lock picks, holograms and a jetpack in order to combat the internal alarm systems and avoid the multitude of security guards. CORPORATION gives the player complete 360° rotation with the ability to walk, run, jump and even inch your way through a complete 3 dimensional environment.
ST Encounter Novagen1991Encounter! is a fast paced arcade game set in a sci-fi environment which features fast moving three dimensional graphics. You command a probe vehicle with which you have to shoot down enemy saucers and homing missiles. When you have shot down the required number of enemies on one level (usually around 10-20) you get the chance to go through a "stargate". In the stargate you have to navigate through a hail of spheres coming at you at high speed. If you succeed you get to a new planet in different color scheme, if you fail you'll have to replay the previous planet. There's eight levels in total.***
Doom  ?2002 labelimageminimize
Doom  ?2002 labelminimizeminimize
Nuq  ?2002 labelimageminimize
Wolfenstein 3D Icculus2002 labelimageminimize